Elevating Leg Rests
Depending on your disability, you may need a little extra help to be totally comfortable in your Jazzy electric wheelchair. A power wheelchair with elevating leg rests is designed to properly position the legs if they cannot be bent. Elevating leg rests are meant to provide total comfort and help to take pressure off key areas of your body. The leg rests can be set at any angle that makes you feel comfortable, from 70 degrees to 180 degrees. When the leg rests are set at 180 degrees, this means that the leg rest is level with the seat of your electric wheelchair. Elevating leg rests are equipped with calf pads to further support the legs. The elevating leg rests are available on specific Jazzy Power Chair models, including the Jazzy Select® 6 motorized wheelchair.
Note: Not all accessories are available for all products. Please speak with your Provider for details and availability.
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